Software Download

Commercial software licenses of Interactive Analyzer are available via the company Synop Systems under the brand name Synop Analyzer. On the web site of Synop Systems you can apply for a free test license.

Sample data

The following sample data collections are anonymized versions of real data or artificially created data which reproduce real data, concerning the data attributes and data value distributions.

The larger data have been zipped and must be unzipped before they can be used with Interactive Analyzer.

customers.txt: 10 000 customer master data records from a bank (demographic attributes and information on the used services and account balances), size: 0.8 MB:

customers_1M.txt: 1 million customer master data records from a bank (demographic attributes and information on the used services and account balances), size: 800 MB:, zipped to 11 MB:

automobil_aftersales.txt: 2.6 million data records on cars and their repair histories. Size: original 75 MB, zipped to 9.5 MB: 

earnings_sheet.xls: Excel spreadsheet containing the monthly recorded earnings sheet of a small enterprise. Size: 40 kB: 


Data quality monitoring, data cleansing and detection of data errors:

Tutorial:   (needs the sample data customers.txt)

Interactive multivariate customer exploration and target group selection

Tutorial:   (needs the sample data customers.txt or customers_1M.txt)

Customer segmentation using the SOM method

Tutorial:   (needs the sample data customers.txt)

Forecast of KPIs, controlling

Tutorial:  (needs the sample data earnings_sheet.xls)